Science – Music – Curiosity

Curiosity as a passion

My main site for sharing content. Publications, a collection of ergonomic tools and things for musicians.

Research & Teaching at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Department Music Physiology)


Being president of the Austrian Society for Music Performance Medicine and Music Physiology (ÖGfMM) also keeps me busy.

Virtual Reality

My scientific immersive training project to help people overcome stage fright and enjoy performing on famous stages – VR Exposure Training

Whisky & Wine

Playing the trumpet just for fun. And with friends. The best moments to enjoy life. Bar music for the heart

My YouTube Mix

My YouTube channel is a pure mixture of all my curiosity & joie de vivre. Science documentaries, music performances and travel memories

My wealth of resources


  • From around the corner in Vienna
  • to the ends of the earth
  • with a stop at the ESA rocket launch site.


  • Easy Listening Jazz
  • Classical Music
  • Everything else I like to play

“Stay curious”